
Asthma Patients Often Find Their Inhalers Expired or Empty

Patients always turn to available rescue medications during asthma attacks, but unfortunately, they could find that their inhalers are…

A New Kind of Gene is Identified as the Cause of Asthma in Children

A rogue gene has been found as a possible direct cause of asthma in children, offering many of them…

Asthma May Delay Pregnancy in Women

According researchers in Denmark, women with asthma tend to have delay in getting pregnant. However, it still isn’t clear…

Five Cooking Tips for People With Rheumatoid Arthritis

The holiday season is a perfect time for families to gather together. But unfortunately, daily activities like cooking can…

High Level of Gut Bacteria Could Elevate the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to a study performed by the New York University Langine Medical Center, recently diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis patients tend…

A New Drug Gives Hope to People With Asthma

A new drug called Sarilumab seems to allow patients to move more freely while suffering less damage to the…

Researchers May Identify An Alzheimer’s-Inducing Gene in Infants

A new suggests that genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease could be detected quite effectively as early as infancy. Researchers…

A Good Night’s Sleep May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

No one would argue that sleep keeps our brain healthy and this is a commonly known fact. Recent studies…

Contact Sports Athletes Are More Susceptible to Alzheimer’s Disease

Latest findings have concluded that repeated blows to the head could be linked to the higher risk of Alzheimer’s…

Airborne Allergies in Women Could Elevate Risk of Blood Cancer

A team of researchers have recently discovered a link between risk of blood cancers and airborne allergies in women….