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Termite Eggs: What Do They Look Like and How Do You Spot Them?

Termite Eggs: What Do They Look Like and How Do You Spot Them?

According to the AHS (American Housing Survey), over 20 million Americans have a pest problem in their home. The most common pests are rodents, cockroaches, and termites. Unfortunately, living with any of these pests can be detrimental to your health and well-being.

In today’s article, we are going to focus on termite infestation. We’ll start by learning to identify termite eggs and then how to get rid of their nests.

Where to Find a Termite Nest

Before you can identify termite eggs, you’ll want to know where to look for them. As you may already know, termites love wood, which means you can find most termite nests in wooden areas of the house. On more rare occasions, you can find a termite nest in hardened mud, which will have mud tunnels all around.

If the termite infestation is in wood, you’ll need to break some of the wood off so that you can spot the termite nest. Be extra careful while doing this, as the termite soldiers may bite you. That’s why it’s better to contact companies like Reliable Termite Solutions to check for a termite infestation.

What Do Termite Eggs Look Like?

Once you find a termite nest, you’ll start to notice a large amount of little white balls, which closely resemble white caviar. Unfortunately, these termite eggs will be scattered around the nest and its surroundings, so it can be difficult to find them all. If you only find a couple, then consider yourself lucky since that means the queen is still young and hasn’t had a chance to produce more eggs.

Now, if you see more than a hundred eggs, that means you have a severe termite infestation since a mature queen can produce over 30,000 eggs a day. You can tell which one is the queen since the size is a lot bigger than a normal termite.

A young queen will have tiny wings, but she’ll shed wings to compensate for her size as she gets older and bigger.

Removing Termite Eggs

Depending on how bad the termite infestation is, you can do a couple of things yourself. For example, you can pour washing powder over holes you find in the wood. But, keep in mind that the washing powder will only kill the termites, but not the termite eggs.

You’ll need to find the nest to get rid of the termite eggs. Once you find it, you can pour the washing powder on it. In reality, though, if you really want to get rid of termites, you’ll want to contact a professional pest control company, as they can efficiently remove the infestation.

How Much Time Termite Egg Take To Hatch

Termite egg’s life consists of various stages. The first stage is hatching, this is said to be the primary stage of its life. It enables the new nymphs to explore their colonies. As soon as the egg hatches the nymphs go through sub-divisions of termite.

These nymphs are divided into three categories. These categories are named worker, soldiers, and king. Majorly they join their nest as a worker. These eggs have a gestation period of around a month.

Temperature is a major factor behind the time taken by an egg to hatch. In warmer ambient the gestation period reduces. Whereas in the cold the period for hatching eggs increases. Along with temperature, many other factors are determining the gestation period.

Signs of having Termites in your home

Termites can be known for ruining wooden furniture. These are very harmful creatures and may be present in your house. You can save your furniture by removing Termites and their nest. This can only be done if you are aware of having termites in your home.

Various signs ensure the presence of termites. You can predict it by looking after the condition of your wooden furniture. Your furniture will start rotting and you can trace it hollowing out. This is a clear symptom of termites. The presence of frass surrounding your furniture is also a clear symptom.

Lifespan And Egg Laying Capacity Of Termites

The lifespan of average termites varies from one to two years. Although the Queen termite lives for decades. The average lifespan of queen termites varies from 25 to 50 years. Queen termite is the leader of the colony.

In a termite colony, only queen termites lay eggs. No other termite is capable of laying eggs in her presence. Queen termite modifies the speed of laying eggs according to the size of the colony. During the first few years of queen termite, egg production is very slow.

The production of eggs increases with maturity if queen termite. She has a peak production period in her life. This period usually lasts for 10 years. This process depends on various factors. The species and age of queen termites play a significant role.

Don’t Wait Any Longer and Get Rid of the Termites

At the first sign of termite eggs, take immediate action to get rid of them. An unchecked termite infestation can cause structural damage and, in some cases, serious health issues. So, don’t hesitate to contact your local pest control company to get rid of them and get the best services from the related agencies to serve.

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