Pinched Nerve

Pinched Nerve- Everything You Ought To Know


A pinched nerve no matter where it occurs in the body can be extremely painful. A pinched nerve occurs when there is excessive compression on the nerve leading to a change directly to the nerve and the surrounding tissue.

Nerves carry information signals from the brain to the other parts of the body and are responsible for things such as touch, sensation and movement. A pinched nerve causes numbness, irritation, and severe pain that require medical attention. Below is information on the symptoms, causes and treatment which you can use to manage and stop problems from a pinched nerve.

Symptoms of Pinched Nerve

The symptoms of a pinched nervecan be quite different from person to person; however, some people may not be able to figure out the exact reason for their pain in the early stage. Here are some common symptoms that are experienced by people suffering from pinched nerve:

  • Numbness or reduced sensation in the back or the neck.
  • Shooting pain in the neck that travels to the back as well. In some cases, the pain is on the spine, and it gets transferred to the legs and buttocks.
  • Weakness and numbness in the affected area.
  • Tingling sensations and twitching.

If you experience any of these symptoms Itis advisedyou seek advice from a health professional. An experienced chiropractor can assess and diagnose your symptoms and advise you on the best course of action to stop your pain.

Causes of Pinched Nerve

There are numerous causes of a pinched nerve where the nerve gets compressed by the nearby tissues or bones.

Common causes of a pinched nerve can vary from:

– Slipped disk where the disc in-between the bones slips backwards and causes compression on the nerve

– Lateral canal stenosis where the bone degenerates to a stage where the bone compresses against the nerve

– Piriformis syndrome where the muscle in the hip is tight creating tension on the sciatic nerve leading to pain going down the leg.

The cause of a pinched nerve will always vary as there is always an underlying problem leading to compression of a specific nerve.

Pinched Nerve- Everything You Ought To Know


The treatment of a pinched nerve depends upon the stage and severity of the problem, and therefore you need to find the exact cause of the problem before the treatment. After an accurate diagnosis some common forms of treatment are:

  • Chiropractic and physiotherapy treatment which involves treating the underlying cause through joint movements and muscle work to reduce compression of the nerve.
  • Proper medications to reduce pain from nerve compression and remove inflammation from the area.
  • For severe cases of nerve compression surgery may be suggested but should only ever be used as a last resort or in the case of a serious medical emergency.


Pinched nerve pain has affected millions of people around the world. Pain should always be treated as a medical problem and should be taken seriously to find a solution.
