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X Things to Know About Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty

X Things to Know About Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty

Those who want to change the shape of their nose should always keep in mind 10 basic points.

Didn’t you ever like your nose? Does it seem too big to you? Do you have difficulty breathing from one nostril? Maybe you breathe badly from both nostrils? Have you suffered a trauma to your nose and since then it seems to you that it has become even more crooked? Have you already undergone nose surgery but are not happy with the result you have obtained?

If your answer to one or more of these questions was yes, then there is a possibility that you may benefit, both functionally and aesthetically, from a nose surgery, provided that it is performed correctly.

However, before you contact a surgeon, you should consider some really important aspects. We have summarized them in ten points, here are what they are:

1. Rhinoplasty is a difficult surgery.

nose job in turkey can be considered among the most difficult interventions in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery. An overly aggressive surgical technique or poorly performed surgery could lead to delays in healing, sometimes even causing permanent deformities. Before carrying out the surgery, pay great attention to choosing the surgeon to rely on for your rhinoplasty.

2. Expectations and results.

The perfection of the results does not represent an absolute value, however the more a surgeon is specialized in rhinoplasty, the more he will be able to get closer to the expectations and wishes of his patients. And this also relates to the next point.

3. Patient expectations must be realistic.

It is therefore essential that the patient always looks at his expectations with a realistic perspective. What needs to be taken into greater consideration are, above all, one’s own initial morphological characteristics and the quality of one’s skin and nose cartilage: these are the elements that play the main role in the final result of a rhinoplasty.

4. The ideal nose does not exist.

Very often patients wish to obtain a specific type of nose that corresponds to their ideal of aesthetic perfection. However, it is important to understand and internalize the idea that the beauty and proportion of the nose are elements related to the whole of the face, so a nose that appears proportionate and beautiful on one face may look ridiculous or excessive on another. Beauty and proportion are not absolute and objective values, but always depend on the characteristics of each individual.

5. The appearance must be natural.

All healthcare solutions that have a good result always have one feature in common: the natural appearance. An attractive nose, in fact, must be harmonious with respect to the entire face. A “natural” nose, not too small and straight in size, is also a nose that will breathe well.

6. The surgeon’s experience isn’t everything.

A great deal of skill and experience on the part of the surgeon alone cannot always guarantee excellent results. A fundamental role, in fact, is also represented by the quality of the patient’s own tissues, therefore skin, cartilage and bone. Furthermore, the patient’s predisposition to favorable healing is also an equally important factor.

7. The bone structure of the nose must be respected.

To obtain a good result, which is also long-lasting, the surgery must be performed respecting and reconstructing the cartilage structures and the bone supporting structures of the nose. Excessive removal or injury of these tissue structures could, in fact, lead to unsightly deformities or could even reduce the ability to breathe well through the nose.

8. Healing requires a lot of patience.

The post-operative healing processes of a rhinoplasty take time. The patient will have to have a lot of patience before being able to appreciate his new nose.

9. Meditate before surgery.

If you expect to get a perfect result, then you should think twice before deciding to undergo a rhinoplasty. As we have already highlighted, the perfect nose does not exist, you have to have realistic expectations, otherwise no result will ever be satisfactory enough.

10. Rhinoplasty today is more precise and accurate.

Currently, the techniques for performing rhinoplasty are considerably more effective and more accurate than in the past. This also means that, if you rely on trained specialist surgeons with a good hand, the percentage of patients satisfied with their choice is high.

Implications on relationship life

A nose is generally not liked because the line of the back is not regular but has a “hump” or simply because it has an arched course rather than straight or slightly hollowed.

In other cases, a nose is “perceived” as unaesthetic. Because it has an excessively globose or drooping tip (nose that “falls” or “pisses” in the mouth) or because it is too bulky or too long. Overly wide (negroid) nostrils are also one of many requests for correction.

A crooked, big long and drooping nose we all know. That it is not the best of beauty and that no one would wish it.

In some cases, especially in female subjects, a voluminous nose conditions hair cut and make-up. Even the (self-imposed) obligation to undergo the “commitment” of large glasses, rather than opting for the free choice of invisible contact lenses.

Surgical medical responsibility

There is a lot of talk about professional responsibility in the field of cosmetic surgery, as the debated issue is whether the aesthetic surgeon. Incurs the so-called result obligation (a result that could be different from what is expected even in the face of execution of the lege artis intervention. ) rather than in the common. (common to all intellectual services) obligation of means (ie obligation to act correctly according to the law of art).

The line that the jurisprudence tends to follow is that the obligation of result configures an objective responsibility (which goes beyond individual responsibility) which in our legal system is not admissible. Unless some type of outcome has been imprudently ensured in informed consent. However, it is fair to consider that if a certain precise result is achievable only with a certain type of technique, it is clear that having performed even correctly (lege artis) a technique that is not suitable for producing a certain result identifies the technique with the result and hence the obligation of means with the obligation of result.

It is therefore very important to know the various technical possibilities well before “MARRY”

To give an example, if a nose needs a particular narrowing of a particularly globular tip, it will literally need to be disassembled and reassembled in its anatomical components (interruption of the domes) since the trimming of the alar cartilages by retrograde with intercartilaginous access is not sufficient.

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