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The Color Of Your Bathroom May Set Your Morning Mood

When it comes to neutral bathroom shades, there are plenty – here are some tips for choosing the perfect paint color for your bathroom.

Bathroom color trends and almost all interior design trends are towards neutral colors as a base or background for bright, colorful accents. Only when I started thinking about what color to paint my newly remodeled bathroom did I realize how many shades of neutral colors there are. Along with picking a neutral color I needed to pick an accent color. I love color and it’s difficult to choose just one, but I got a brilliant idea. With my neutral walls, toilet, bathtub and vanity I could have different accents throughout the year. When the sun gets warmer in the spring I can put apple green towels, rugs and plants. In the summer I may change to brilliant turquoise and in the winter vibrant crimson. The only decision I had to make was the shade of neutral.

A Thousand and One Shades of Neutral

White, blue, gray and beige and the hundred variations of each are the basic neutral colors. By adding a touch of maroon to pure white, you can take off the stark white edge and make it warmer and more flattering to your skin. Warm tones such as pink and peach are better if your bathroom is the place where you apply makeup because these tones won’t make you look sick. If you have green or yellow walls, the color may reflect on your skin and distort your appearance.

However, if you apply makeup elsewhere, this doesn’t apply, and there is a wide selection of colors from which to choose.

Bathroom Color Trends

Using a combination of rich tones and soft neutrals is trending for any room in your house, but it is also a way of brightening up a bathroom. Here are some examples of how to create contrast with color.

• Brightly colored wallpaper that has a suitable print is popular this year. The same print may come is several colors and you can use two different colors for different walls.

• If you are using tile, you can consider using several different colors of the same tile to create a design effect on your walls. Teal blue is a popular color of tile this year and it can be combined with gray, white or any other neutral colored tile. Another possibility is to use rectangle tiles of several shades of blue or gray to make a herringbone pattern. This will look great behind your vanity and last for years. If blue isn’t your choice look at several shades of warm brown or pink. The pattern can continue on to the floor for a very dramatic effect.

• The biggest part of your budget may be for your floor. You can put tiles that have an attractive geometric pattern that is made up of several colors. Choose two of the colors in the floor and paint your walls. You can either paint one wall one color and another wall the other color or, if you have paneling, paint it the darker color and the wall the lighter color.

• Use two shades of the same color to add interest and change the ambiance of the room. If your bathroom is cold, use a warm, neutral green for the floor and a lighter shade for one wall. The curtains, towels and other accents can be burnt orange.

• Contrast can be taken to extremes for a dramatic effect. One idea is to paint the wall behind your vanity a muted eggplant and the other walls a contrasting color of your choice. Pale turquoise, pink or green are all colors that work well with muted purple. This is a good idea if you want to brighten up a dull room or for a child or teenager’s bathroom.

• If you want your bathroom to have the ambiance of a spa salon, your best options are subtle shades of cream and white. This is where you can add a touch of maroon to your stark white. Cream is different from beige. It has a touch of butter yellow, while beige has a touch of café-au-lait.

• Mediterranean blue has always been a popular shade for bathrooms. It also comes in a variety of shades from blue to green without being either. For a crisp look you can paint your walls Mediterranean blue and the accents in pure white. It presents a fresh atmosphere in the morning.

Some Unusual Ideas

Plants are always welcome in a bathroom because they look pretty and refresh the air. However, if green is your passion, both the color and the environmental aspect, you may consider a living wall. The wall behind your bathtub can be living plants that absorb toxics, release oxygen and look like a natural grotto.

Natural accessories such as rocks, shells and driftwood give an outdoor feel to a bathroom that has a wooden or stone floor and wall design. If you like the idea of using natural colors, but can’t afford stone tile and hardwood, you can think about cement tiles and bamboo flooring. They are both durable, water resistant and don’t look cheap.

If your dream is to have a five-star hotel bathroom at home, you can do so with vanities from Modern Bathroom. These bathrooms also have excellent recessed lighting. This style works best if you have a large bathroom where you can install an elegant vanity with two sinks and a huge mirror where you always keep fresh flowers. You may want to add a zebra print rug.

Finally, one of my favorite decorating ideas is a brilliant wall mural. You may even be able to do it yourself, or call a local art major who would appreciate the extra cash. Consider a huge single flower or a beach horizon. You can find a photo from a magazine and have it on your wall.

Color can be used to create a mood, liven-up a dull area or to make a design statement. Before choosing the color of your next bathroom, take some time to think about what you want to feel when you enter the room.

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