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How to Declutter A House: A Simple Guide

How to Declutter A House: A Simple Guide

Decluttering a house can be a daunting task. It’s hard to look at our accumulation of stuff and know where to begin. But when you learn a few simple rules, you’ll know how to declutter a house with no problems.

Be prepared to organize your things into different piles: put away, recycle, fix, trash, and donate. Then get ready to jump in head first so you can live in a clutter-free home!

Start in the Bathroom 

The bathroom is a great place to test the decluttering waters because it’s a small, enclosed space. Take everything out of your medicine cabinet and get to work sorting them into different categories. Make sure you drop off any unneeded or expired prescriptions at your local drop-off point.

Then move on to cabinets, counters, and other shelves. Immediately put away the things you’re keeping and get rid of the things that you’re letting go of.

Closets and Clothing 

It’s a good idea to tackle all the closets and clothing in your house at once. That way, when you’re tidying up other rooms, you’ll have organized places to put things you’re keeping. Making room for storage is crucial to keeping your home decluttered.

Touch every piece of clothing and get rid of the things that you no longer love. Anything that hasn’t been worn in a year needs to go too!

Entryways and Hallways 

Then move on to your entryways and hallways. Clean off any tables, shelves, and coat hooks. Put everything in its proper place and donate the things that don’t serve you anymore.

The best feeling is walking into your home and seeing the clear, uncluttered spaces. Fixing up your entryway is a surefire way to do that!

The Kitchen and Living Room 

The first thing you should do is tidy up the rooms you’re in. Once the spaces are clear, you’ll be able to find a good place to start.

In your kitchen, clean out your pantry and get rid of any expired food. If you have shelf-stable food that you won’t use, consider donating it to your local food pantry.

If you’re trying to free up some counter space, store all of the appliances that you don’t use every day.

In the living room, start with assessing each space, looking and touching each item, making a solid decision about where it should go, and then putting things back exactly where they belong.

If there are items that you put into your “fix” category, make it a priority to fix them and put them away as soon as possible.

How to Declutter a House

Now that you know how to declutter a house, you can get started on your own cleaning adventures. It’s not an easy task, and it takes a lot of time, but the end result is always worth all the work and effort you put into it.

For more information about how to live your best, de-cluttered life, keep reading!

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