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How Responsive Web Design Could Help Your Business

In its early days the Internet was strictly for those with enough knowledge, skill – and cash – who could afford the expense of a desktop computer. Then, as with so many technological advances, the cost of hardware began to fall dramatically allowing the rest of us to take advantage of the world wide web.

The Web Goes Mobile

Nowadays the technology has advanced still further, leading to a new raft of technology in the form of smartphones and tablets, and now smartwatches. Coupled with the widespread growth of wi-fi, 3G and 4G, we can now access the internet from almost anywhere, using a wide range of devices.

The problem with having so many platforms from which to access the internet is that a web page which displays perfectly on one screen often fails to configure itself appropriately on all devices, which is annoying at best and nearly catastrophic at worst. Responsive web design allows the site to assess the device and configure itself according to each user’s needs, ensuring that every user can view your site perfectly.

According to a recent article in the Huffington Post, mobile internet use overtook desktop use early in 2014. This means that the majority of web users are now accessing the digital world through the relatively small screens of smartphones and tablets. Configuring your website to look perfect on a widescreen monitor is now no longer the best route to displaying your wares.

Search Engine Watch realised as far back as 2013 that mobile-friendly websites were going to be The Next Big Thing. The article cites the results of a survey which indicated that over 65% of those questioned stated that they would be more likely to make a purchase directly from a mobile-friendly website – and this was before mobile use started to overtake desktop computers in popularity.

Penalties for Mobile Web Problems

With Google now penalising sites which fail to display appropriately on mobile devices, there is no longer a good reason to ignore the burgeoning technology. If your website doesn’t fit the search engine rules for accessibility then you will find your site dropping ever further down the all-important rankings, no matter how good your SEO.

Responsive web design is tricky to master, and since so much rides on a successful outcome it is almost always preferable to call in the experts to make necessary changes to ensure that your site fits the new standards. Don’t feel that you have to spend thousands on creating an accessible site though, as plenty of small web design companies can make the necessary changes without costing you a fortune. For example, in addition to creating great web design in Cardiff Amber Couch can also ensure that every page of your site will display immaculately on any device, ensuring customer satisfaction throughout.

Your website is the digital equivalent of a bricks and mortar shop, and you wouldn’t hesitate to move obstructions that blocked entry to your premises. Make sure you offer every visitor a satisfying online experience and you will see happy customers returning again to make further purchases with complete confidence.

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