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Do You Have A Dangerous Tree In Your Yard?


Trees can frame a house in just the right way. But sometimes trees can pose a danger to the structure, whether underground or through the risk of falling onto the garage. There are a number of warning signs you should regularly look for if you have a tree in your yard.

Immediate Inspection

A professional arborist would agree that you should inspect your trees from afar and up close after big storms and during the spring and fall. Search for peeling bark, cuts in the bark, and any dead wood on the tree’s crown. All are signs that your tree is potentially on its way out.

If you do see any of these warning signs, call a certified tree service immediately. They will be able to double check the health of your tree and decide whether any action is required on your part.

Leaning Trees

Some people will opt for tree removal simply because their trees are leaning. This is wrong because very few trees grow straight. Some lean is perfectly normal and acceptable. But if the lean isn’t natural, the onus is on you to take action.

Some of the danger signs include:

A tree professional can take multiple courses of action, and it doesn’t always have to involve the complete removal of your tree. They may decide to prune the branches to better distribute the weight, or they could brace the tree trunk with cables to extend the life of your tree.

My Tree has Multiple Trunks

A tree with multiple trunks isn’t as uncommon as you may think. It may be a curiosity, but it’s a major sign that your tree is unstable. The shape of the trunk will tell you whether your tree is in danger.
A V-shaped or U-shaped trunk will create weak points in mature trees. This is due to the connective wood between the two trunks becoming weaker. Pad the trees and cable them to provide some additional strength.

On the other hand, if it has multiple trunks and cracks extend through the bark; this is an example of an unstable tree.

After Your Construction Project

If you have recently completed a major project, such as installing a new driveway, this may have inadvertently taken its toll on your tree. Shallow roots are at particular risk, and this can reduce the stability of the tree. These signs may manifest after the project or years later:


When your tree is in need of a cure, it’s unwise to solve the problem yourself. The chances are you will only make it worse. The best option for you is to call upon the services of a professional. They will be able to confirm the problem and provide a solution that extends the life of your tree and reduces the need for complete removal.

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