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Different Hair Transplant Method you Should Know About

Hair loss affects a vast majority of the population in India, men more so. Surprisingly, 25% of people undergoing hair loss started facing this issue in their early 20’s. It is now a commonly known fact that age isn’t the only trigger for hair loss. A number of factors are urging people to consider the best hair transplant in Bangalore. Reasons for hair loss range from genetic disorders and medication-associated hair loss. Wondering what the hair transplant in Bangalore price starts at? Well, the more pertinent question here is do you understand the different types of hair transplant methods and which one is expected to suit your best?

Two of the most common methods used to treat hair loss are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

What is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)?

FUT, also known as strip transplantation is a method by which hair patches are removed in strips. These strips can be removed from areas of the scalp that are relatively denser and have a better quality of hair that is not prone to baldness. For instance, it is a well-known fact that the back of the scalp is always least susceptible to male baldness pattern. Thus hair strips are usually extracted from this region and then processed. Post-processing the strip is transplanted into the desired area. FUT takes lesser time than FUE.  Research well to know the best FUT or best hair transplant in Bangalore before making your final choice. Include factors like hair transplant in Bangalore price that help you narrow down your options.

What is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

FUE, also popularly known as punch transplantation is a process wherein a small unit of hair is extracted from the dense areas of the scalp or body. The size of each unit ranges from 0.8mm to 1mm. This type of procedure uses microsurgery practices and microneedles to effectively extract each unit and transplant it into the desired location on the scalp. Since this procedure leaves only minute dot like scars, unlike FUT that leaves linear scars, it is aesthetically much more appealing. The benefits include being able to cut your hair very short without it looking artificial. The best hair transplant in Bangalore leaves your hair looking completely natural and appealing.  This procedure works well for younger patients and for individuals who need small patches of the scalp to be done.

Wondering about the hair transplant at Bangalore price?

The price for hair transplant in Bangalore varies based on the type of treatment, the surgeon, the type of clinic you are opting for. Ensure you look for the best hair transplant in Bangalore and to do not compromise the quality of procedures. Generally, FUE is slightly more expensive than FUT, considering the precision required in FUE including the equipment needed. However in general, if you consider the hair transplant in Bangalore price, it is approximately Rs. 30-35/ graft. Therefore based on the extent of transplant the price may vary from Rs. 35,000 – 1,15,000.

What factors do you need to look for in a clinic that offers the best hair transplant in Bangalore?

Now that you understand a bit more about procedures carried out at the best hair transplant in Bangalore and a fair estimate about hair transplant in Bangalore price, you can make an informed decision about the procedure you are planning to go for.

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