Arthritis Society Accredited by Imagine Canada


The Arthritis Society has announced that Imagine Canada has accredited them. Apparently, the organization has met the standards for Imagine Canada’s requirements for accreditation, which is actually quite an accomplishment, because only 82 non-profit organizations in Canada have been able to earn that accreditation. The Arthritis Society had to meet the 73 standards that were set forth by Imagine Canada, that encompass policies and operations, and are created so that the public can put their trust in the organization. “We are proud to achieve such an important distinction, which underscores our commitment to excellence in all that we do,” said Janet Yale. Yale is the CEO and President of the Arthritis Society.

iagineThe application that the Society made for entry into the Standards Program, was reviewed by a panel of leaders from across Canada. There are five areas of operations that they had to cover in order to be approved. Financial accountability and transparency, standards regarding fundraising activiites, management and volunteers, and board governance. The Arthritis Society was able to earn accreditation from the organization for five years. Imagine Canada is a charity as well, supporting the strengthening of the sector and is linked with Volunteer Canada as well as the HR Council. They developed standards with those organizations and several other key people.

The Arthritis Society has been active for over 65 ears, and has been trying to improve the lives of Arthritis sufferers, and creating a future without this debilitating disease. It is the foremost health charity in Canada, and features programs and support to the nearly five million people who suffer from Arthritis in Canada. They have invested more than $185 million in projects to further Arthritis research and the search for a cure.