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7 Ways to Proactively Increase Security for Your Business

Many business owners are consistently on the hunt for new and improved ways to keep their storefronts protected. With the popularization of online retail over the last two decades, cybersecurity is now just as critical. With so many systems on the market, it’s a challenge to make sure your spaces are safe and updated with the best technology. 

Here are six simple options to consider as you search for the best ways to keep your products and information secure.

1. Back-Up All Documents

Many of us still rely on paper documents in our day-to-day operations. This process isn’t necessarily bad, but only having one copy of something is. In case valuable data is stolen or ruined, you’ll want to have a back-up on hand. 

Scan all essential physical records to create digitized copies. Afterward, when you don’t need the original versions any longer, shred them. This step ensures no one can get their hands on them. Always keep online documents on both a hard drive and cloud storage system, so you can access them at any time. Never let unauthorized individuals come into contact with sensitive information. 

2. Install Alarm Systems

Stores in various sectors of business have always used alarm systems to ward off thieves and alert people when there’s a problem. These systems are both effective and reliable at what they do. You can find tons on the market nowadays with a variety of perks – they’re inexpensive, easy to install, and offer 24/7 monitoring capabilities. 

When your last employee locks up for the night, you can rest assured your alarm system will keep a watchful eye. The access codes are changeable as well, so you can switch them out as often as you like. An alarm system is a great way to monitor your business and protect all valuables.

3. Add Video Surveillance

This option is one of the most common ways to keep your property secure. Now, however, with the introduction of cloud-based systems, video surveillance is more convenient than ever before. Usually, these systems are more straightforward to assemble than others, which makes them great for small companies who don’t want to deal with any hassle. 

They’re accessible from several personal devices, allowing you to check in wherever and whenever you want. Also, because these cameras sync to an online platform, all footage remains secure in the cloud. Don’t worry about cyber attacks – these systems are backed up through encryption and other web security measures. 

4. Emphasize Network Security

Now that technology is at the forefront of most businesses, it’s vital to guard your Wi-Fi networks and computer systems. The first action you can take in this regard is to install anti-malware and anti-virus software on all devices. If you operate a cafe and allow customers to access your internet, lock your network. Update the name and password frequently to ward off hackers. 

Many devices come with tools that automatically encrypt your data. Turn this feature on to protect from cybercriminals. Above all else, continuously educate your employees about best practices. This step will ensure that everyone is up-to-date on security measures and knows how to handle specific issues should they arise.

5. Regulate Access

A simple and cost-effective way to increase security measures is to regulate access to your buildings. While this option may not work as well for retail storefronts and restaurants, it’s a no-brainer if you house sensitive information or valuable products. Only give employees certain keys, so you know who has what. 

An easy way to check what areas your team visits is to outfit doors with key card entry systems. People can then use badges to access areas, allowing you to limit who goes where. When someone leaves the company permanently, make sure they give you back their keys.

6. Have an Action Plan

When all else fails, and you endure a break-in or cyber-attack, you should know what to do immediately. Take the time to construct an in-depth response plan that every employee knows about. Make sure there’s a reliable way to call the police, whether by phone or panic button. 

In the event of suspicious web activity, have workers contact the information technology department right away. After, take a step back to consider what happened and why. Create a non-judgemental environment so that everyone feels safe if they want to come forward with information. Put procedures in place to ensure everyone is ready.

7. Think about Data

Data being an essential thing in today’s world, every business should consider data privacy and data security in their security policy. For website security, we should not forget SSL certificate that enables a strong and secure tunnel in which data can be exchanged between a server and a browser. After Google’s announcement, SSL is an unavoidable protocol for security. If you are mulling over purchasing an SSL certificate, you should first check the website’s requirement, for example, if you are a large organization having multiple domains and subdomains then, comodo multi-domain wildcard SSL is the best solution that secures main domains and their subdomains.

Want to Increase Your Business Security? Preparation Is Critical

To ensure everyone’s safety, as well as the protection of your business, consider a few of the solutions above. They’ll work to divert and limit criminal activity in a variety of beneficial ways.

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