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5 Money-Saving Home Maintenance Projects

Spring is just around the corner, and it’s the most popular season for home improvement projects. Property owners interested in rejuvenating their homes are mapping out paint, renovation, and landscaping projects to tackle during the warmer months. If you are in the process of planning spring renovations, you may want to consider investing in some projects that will save you money. Here are five home maintenance projects that will help you cut costs.

Seal Doors and Windows

Spring is a great time to re-caulk around your doors and windows. Sealing up cracks can help minimize air flow into your home, which means fewer drafts in the cold winters and less heat flowing in during the hot summer months. This simple fix can help save you money on your home heating and cooling costs, and improve the energy efficiency of your property.

Clean Those Gutters

When is the last time you cleaned your home’s gutters? Regular maintenance of your gutters can help protect your home from potential water damage. Over time, clogged gutters can cause moisture to build up along your home’s foundation. This can result in seepage into your home, as well as degradation of the concrete or fieldstone of the foundation itself. Put gutter cleaning on your home project roster this spring.

HVAC Maintenance

Spring is a great time to schedule HVAC system maintenance. A home heating and cooling professional can come in and give your system a much-needed tune up after a long winter, making sure it’s functioning optimally. Also consider swapping out your air filters and cleaning your system’s vents to keep things operating as well as they should.

Replace your Lightbulbs

While this is technically not a home maintenance project, it’s still a good idea. Switching out your old lightbulbs to more energy efficient models can help you save a considerable amount of money on your home electricity costs. The US Department of Energy estimates that CFL bulbs use 25%-80% less energy to operate than traditional incandescent lights. This simple swap can help reduce your monthly utility bills.

Green Landscaping

One thing to consider this spring is planting your trees and bushes strategically to add some extra insulation to your property. A little shade goes a long way towards reducing your money home’s overall air conditioning costs. Consider planting a few trees on the west or east side of your property, depending on where your home gets the most sunlight, to help keep things slightly cooler during the hot summer months. Green landscaping can help improve the energy efficiency of your home, resulting in less air conditioner usage and lower cooling costs this summer.

If you are interested in home projects that will save you money over the long term, there are a number of simple things you can do. Re-caulking doors and windows, cleaning out your home’s gutters, scheduling HVAC maintenance, swapping your lightbulbs, and being strategic about your planning can help you avoid future problems and save money on your utility bills. Start planning your spring project roster today!

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