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5 Key Tips To Keep Your Swimming Pool Sparkling Clean

Pool care doesn’t have to be one of your dreaded chores. Because all pools are essentially different, their basic maintenance needs are different as well. But, they all have one thing in common. Routine maintenance care keeps the water crystal clear, pristine, and ready for swimmers.

If you want to handle common pool issues like broken pumps or cloudy water problems all on your own, check with your manufacturer’s manual before you try to repair any equipment without the help of a professional. Even if you have a regular pool service come out and take care of your pool for you, it’s still a good idea to know how to do some things for yourself in order to make sure your swimming pool stays in great condition for many years to come.

Here are 5 important tips to help you keep your pool swim-ready for the warm summer season ahead:

  1. Clean your Baskets and Frequently Skim Off the Debris

Skimming the surface of your pool every couple of days is by far the easiest and fastest way to keep your pool sparkling clean. Eventually, any debris that floats will sink, which makes it even harder to get rid of. The sooner you can get the debris out, the better.

For best results, use a pool-safe net with a long handle or leaf skimmer in order to remove any floating leaves, insects, or other debris. Regular skimming will greatly increase your pool’s overall efficiency and circulation system in addition to decreasing how much chlorine you actually need to add to your swimming pool.

  1. Keep the Pool Filter Clean

There are basically three different types of pool filters: diatomaceous earth, sand, and cartridge. Even though each one calls for their own kind of maintenance, they all need to be cleaned on a regular basis based on how often you swim in the pool and the type of filter. It’s important to note that cleaning the filter too much than what’s recommended by the manufacturer can hinder the process of filtration. Ironically, a clean filter doesn’t work as well as a slightly dirty one since the dirt itself helps trap and filter other particles to help keep the water clean. On the other hand, it’s not good to let the pool filter get overly dirty. In general, a good clue that it’s getting close to filter cleaning time is if you notice a flow increase between the flow meter and the pressure gauge.

  1. Keep a Close Eye on the pH Level of the Pool

Ideally, the water in the pool should be regularly tested in order to ensure it’s healthy and clean. The pH level is a way to test how much alkalinity or acidity is in the water at any given time. The scale runs from 0 – 14. An ideal reading would be anywhere between 7.2 – 7.8, which is the perfect range to allow the pool sanitizers to work efficiently and also safe for anyone in the pool to swim.

  1. Regularly Vacuum Your Pool

A swimming pool should ideally be vacuumed at least once a week in order to decrease the amount of chemicals that need to be added and to keep the water crystal clear. Today, there are several kinds of pool vacuums to choose from. If your vacuum is a manual design, run it over the entire pool like you would if you were vacuuming your living room carpet. Be sure to check the filter after you vacuum and clean it if it’s dirty.

  1. Maintain the Pool’s Water Level

A great deal of water will inevitably be lost during the swimming season primarily due to evaporation and everyday wear and tear, including splashing, playing ball, and getting in and out. Check the level of the water every time you skim the pool. Make sure it doesn’t drop below a certain level since it could potentially damage the pump.

Overall, optimized water chemistry and clean water are the two main aspects of good pool care. Set a weekly schedule to perform pool maintenance so your water is always sparkling clean.

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