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5 Common Accident Claim Mistakes

If you have had an accident that is not your fault, you are entitled to claim. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Too many times we’ve seen claimants not understand that they can claim if they have had an accident that is not their fault, and too many times we’ve seen claimants not understand the claim process due to a lack of information. If you have had an accident, you should seek professional advice about your injury and see how much money you could claim for it and you should only start your search for accident claim lawyers when you’re in the know.

The wonderful thing about how the law works is that anybody can effectively file proceedings against a company in the case of an accident. However, this is a big mistake. Unless you are a lawyer yourself, you unfortunately lack the knowledge, skills or sway to bring a claim to a just conclusion. Sometimes, a company might contact the claimant and ask to settle outside of the main claim, saying that “lawyers complicate things”. Don’t be fooled. Lawyers are your best friends in during a claim so make sure to never go solo and always seek professional advice.

This mistake is a big one. If you have had an accident that is not your fault, it is critical that you choose a claims company with a track record of success. Accident Advice Helpline is one of the UK’s top law firms and has been established since 2000. When choosing a claims company or law firm, make sure that you research the main ones and find out how long they have been operating, whether they offer 100% no-win, no-fee, whether you need money to start your claim, and whether the claim process is simple. Only choose a law firm that you trust.

In order to successfully deal with your claim, a law firm needs to have all of your medical records and bills that pertain to the accident, as well as any documents that support a loss of earnings. This includes a doctor’s evaluation note of how long you should stay off work as well as proper earnings documentation. The claims company acting on your behalf will have a system for ensuring that they get a hold of all necessary documents, however you too should make sure that they have everything they need. If you’re unsure, feel free to ask them.

Most claimants will have a pretty good idea of how much money they can claim from their accident, however few claimants truly understand how long the process can take – this can cause a high level of frustration and stress, so it’s important to understand the basics. Case times vary from one case to another, however on average they will take several months. This is because there’s a lot of people and systems to go through for a company’s lawyers to review a claim made on your behalf. Your law firm will however stay in touch throughout the process.

To find out more about AAH’s injury claim process, call our helpline for accident claiming on 0800 689 0500 or from your mobile on 0333 500 0993.

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