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4 Ways To Prepare For Your First Consultation With An Attorney

If you have been involved in an automobile accident, you may have suffered serious injuries. This can be a difficult time for all of the people who are involved. However, foremost on your mind might be working to recover your financial losses because of the wreck. You may need to file an official complaint against the driver who was at fault if this person refuses to pay you. It’s ideal to know ways to help you prepare for your initial consultation with your auto accident attorney, to learn if a lawsuit is valid.

Write it Down

Meeting with an attorney may be an intimidating experience for you. In order to get the most out of your first consultation, consider making a list of things to discuss regarding your case. This can be helpful to you, especially if you tend to get nervous.

You will want to know what the strengths and weakness of your case are. Be prepared to provide all of the details of your accident to your attorney to help you determine if you have a chance of winning.

Bring Documents

You will need to prove the extent of your losses and that the other driver was at fault if you hope to build a strong case. You should have written documentation of your medical costs, lost wages and any property damage to your vehicle.

Additionally, it important to have a copy of the police report if one was filed showing the other driver was the cause of the collision.

Be Truthful

The relationship between an attorney and client is one that should only involve the truth. This information is privileged and will remain between these two parties. However, giving inaccurate facts to your attorney could significantly harm your case and may even cause you to be dismissed as a client.

Learn the Fees

The time to get the answers you want is during this meeting. It is important to discuss the attorneys’ fees and how quickly these must be paid. You may be required to enter a contingency agreement that is common when there is a personal injury. There are advantages to paying by this method that may include paying only if you win the case. The amount that is charged with a contingency agreement will vary and should be discussed in advance with your attorney.

Getting the most out of your meeting with a lawyer may require a little effort on your part.

However, doing your homework beforehand will help you know what to expect legally down the road if you file a lawsuit against the other driver. This is priceless information for most accident victims to receive.

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