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3 Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Job Search

Tired of trying to find a job without success? Whether you realize it or not, you may be sabotaging your own job search. This means you’re either turning off interviewers – or worse – you’re not doing the right things to actually land a job.

  1. You Never Seek Help

You’re independent and don’t want anyone’s help. I get it. But, not asking for help can lead to a long road of unemployment. Sites like JobTonic will connect you with job opportunities, but this isn’t enough to go from an interview to a proud employee.

Instead, seek help from others. This includes:

If you’re going into your job search all alone, you’re not maximizing your resources properly.

  1. You Turn Down Offers

Everything is perfect: great benefits and salary are offered to you, but there is always a problem. Sometimes, it’s easy to justify turning down an offer. Lower pay rates or something that intimidates you about the position can make you turndown one offer after another.

Even in a recovering job market, finding employment is really tough.

Unless the pay is below a livable wage or you already have a job and are looking for something better, you shouldn’t be turning down a job. If you find yourself in this position often, there are a few things you can do to remedy the problem.

First, really ask yourself if this is a position you want before applying. Read up on the company and really examine the job description. Far too many job seekers are rushing to fill out any job application they can, and will ultimately waste more time going to fruitless interviews than actually going into an interview for the perfect position.

Be realistic when it comes to a job offer. If you’re only making a dollar or two less but there are exceptional benefits or time off, don’t be so quick to turn an offer down. It’s better to get 85% of what you want and have a job then not receive a paycheck for months on end.

  1. You’re Not Networking

Sure, you may like catching up on the latest gossip on Facebook, but your connections can also land you a job. Don’t be foolish and blast all of your interviews on social media or go silent on the matter. You need to have a good balance to let others know you’re in the market for a job yet you never want to seem needy or negative.

This means never:

Instead, let others know you’re interviewing for jobs and the position you’re after, but do so in a professional light. Not only may your friends be able to help you land an interview, but interviewers are now checking on potential job candidate profiles. If you don’t network on social media or you’re not being professional, you’ll find yourself struggling to land an interview and a job.

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