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3 CV Mistakes That Will Stop You From Getting The Job

The dreaded job search. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably sent out a few CVs and maybe even heard back from a few companies. But if you haven’t had much luck and your CVs aren’t getting you the attention you’ve been wanting, there may be a few things that are stopping you from getting the interview. Take a look at some of the most common mistakes job seekers make when creating a CV.

  1. You Tried to do it Without Help

Whether you proofread your CV one time or a hundred, one set of eyes is never as good as two. Many mistakes go unchecked because it was something you brushed past or maybe looked at several times but didn’t think there was anything wrong. Obviously spell check is your best friend when writing a CV (there’s nothing out there that shows you don’t care about a job more than typos on a CV). And having a friend read through it is a good idea as well. But if you really want to make your CV shine, you’ll enlist the help of professionals like the ones at 10 Minutes With. You can ask experts in the field for their input, giving you a leg up on the competition. Having an insider’s view on what the ideal candidate looks like on paper will be tremendously beneficial to you.

  1. You Used One CV for Multiple Positions

It’s tempting to copy/paste your CV when searching for jobs, especially when you’re hitting the job market hard. But what really makes your CV shine is when you tailor it to a specific position and let that employer know exactly what it is about you that makes you such a perfect fit. A CV for a customer service position shouldn’t look the same as a CV for something in the medical field – no one cares about your medical experience if you’re applying for a telemarketing position! It may be a pain, but it will greatly increase your odds of landing the job. Take a look at a few tips for tailoring your CV to the career you want.

  1. You Forgot to Mention your Achievements

Too many CVs focus only on the responsibilities and requirements of their previous positions. While these are great to give your potential employer an idea of what your previous roles looked like, they don’t make you stand out. Instead of listing duties like “sales,” focus on specific behaviors and outcomes that make you appear favorable.  Instead, try “One of top five sales producers for three consecutive quarters in 2014.” Specifics will show you put the effort into your CV and will also give them a much better idea of why they should choose you over any other applicants who have “sales” experience. Be wary though – don’t lie! In the digital age we live in, it’s incredibly easy to fact check those achievements you’re putting on paper. Nothing will get you kicked out of the running for a job than being dishonest on your CV.

When all else fails, go to the experts to get an opinion. If you’ve got the knowledge and the experience, let your CV do all the talking for you.

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